SIDEBAR SOCIAL GOLDEN RULE: Have fun, make new friends, and take advantage of drink specials. The game might not go your way, but cold beer always helps!
Referees have the final call on the court. Please respect them.
No fighting or aggressive behavior will be tolerated and may result in suspension or expulsion from the league. So, don’t do that.
Please be on time. We recommend showing up at least 10 minutes early to check in and avoid any chance of forfeit – And it gives you time to get a few drinks.
And, as always, no smoking in the sand or deck area of the Sandbar, please use the designated areas.
6 players will play at once. If a team has less than 6 players and cannot find a sub than they can play with less players and simply have that disadvantage.
The games will be played best 2 out of 3 games.
Only LIVE balls can eliminate an opposing player (see LIVE balls below).
LIVE balls are balls that are legally thrown. Only LIVE balls can eliminate opposing players. If a LIVE ball is caught, the original thrower of the LIVE ball is eliminated.
All balls are considered DEAD at the start of each game and only become LIVE after the balls are CLEARED (see Clearing Balls below).
Balls are considered DEAD in 5 different ways:
A LIVE ball leaves the sand court;
A throw is considered a HEADSHOT (see Headshot below);
A LIVE ball that some opponent catches (See Catch Rule below);
A LIVE ball that hits anything other than an opposing player(s) or any other ball (including, but not limited to, the sand, the tent or any of its supporting beams, posts, referee/observers, the deck area); OR
A Referee pauses the game.
The game will begin with 6 balls placed in the center of the court in a straight line. Six players from each team will line up with their hand against the wood railings. The Referee will count down to signal the start of the game, at which point the players are permitted to enter the field of play and retrieve the balls. If any player False Starts by crossing the line before the whistle blows, a ball will be rewarded to the other team. The start will be redone by the referee with the remaining balls. The Referee will hold the forfeited ball(s) until after the all balls have been CLEARED and then distribute it to the appropriate team. The players must return to the wood railing before being able to throw a ball and it be live.
If a player slides across the line or places steps across the center line during the BALL RUSH, he or she will be ruled out.
After the “ball rush,” the balls need to be CLEARED to become LIVE. The obtained balls from the center line can be cleared one of two ways:
The ball(s) are thrown past the backline to a waiting teammate; OR
The player carries the ball past the backline.
After the balls have become CLEARED, they will be LIVE and ready to throw at opponents. If a ball is thrown before being CLEARED, it will be forfeited to the other team and will not count for any outs.
A LIVE ball that is thrown legally can eliminate an opponent. The Player must be:
In bounds;
Throw the ball over the center line;
Throw the ball below the opposing players neck (no headshots); AND
Throw the ball appropriately (no “pinching the ball” throws OR “spinning” throws).
As mentioned above, when a LIVE ball that is legally thrown strikes the opposing player, that player is out. (NOTE: that all articles of clothing and accessories are considered extensions of the body. This also includes any drinks you may be holding!)
When a LIVE ball hits more than one opposing player before becoming DEAD (hitting the sand, tent, leaves the court, etc.), all hit players are out.
When a player on the opposing team catches the LIVE ball, the player who threw the ball is out.
NOTE: If the player deflects a LIVE ball with a ball in their possession and the deflected ball is caught by a teammate before it becomes DEAD, it is considered a catch. Therefore, the player who threw the ball is out. Furthermore, if a player is hit with a LIVE ball and the deflected ball is caught by a teammate before it becomes DEAD, the hit player(s) are SAVED and the person who threw the ball is out.
Any intentional or unintentional physical contact of any kind during the BALL RUSH is not allowed and may result in ejection from that game or suspension.
Each team may call one one-minute timeout per day of play, if needed.
Teams should report to the courts at least 10 minutes before their scheduled start time of the match. A game will be ruled a forfeit if any of the following occur:
No one from one of the teams is present at the start of the game
The minimum number of players (4) are not present
Improper conduct or fighting by one or more players on any team
While any of the following can result in a forfeit loss of 3-0, exceptions can be made if a team has exigent circumstances. Still, the final decision is subject to the Referee’s discretion.
Registered teams that miss two weeks of play will be considered to have abandoned their place in that season of the League. Teams meeting this criterion will be contacted by Sidebar Social’s coordinator to confirm their abandonment status. If the team fails to respond within two business days, they will be removed from the season schedule and will forfeit their registration fees. Teams that respond will be required to supply reasoning for lack of attendance and can petition the League for reinstatement. Reactivation decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the League management.
In the event of weather conditions making the games unsafe, Sidebar Social will send an update to those who have signed up for notifications at registration. Additionally, updates will be posted on Sidebar Social’s website (sidebarsocial.com) under the League updates.
In the event the matches have been started and then must be postponed due to weather, the matches will be restarted from the beginning if less than the first half of the first game has been played; otherwise, the games will be called or resumed from the stoppage of play if the progress of the game if after the first half of the first game.
Any matches postponed for weather will be rescheduled and information on the rescheduled game will be sent to all players via email.
MOST IMPORTANTLY – This is a SOCIAL LEAGUE, so have fun and make friends!